As per usual, I was painfully uncool, uninformed and out of the loop. I didn't know what Modern Radio is. Do now, see, I went to their website and all and now I'm like totally in the know. I am informed. Looped-in. A young man approached me asking me if I was on the board. The who and the what and huh-where? Seeing my dumbfounded expression and stopping me before I started to answer, "No, but I do serve on a number of committees...?" my friend answered for me - "No. She's not. She is painfully uncool, uninformed and out of the loop." Turns out the young man thought I was a young woman he'd been conversing with electronically on said board. Nope. Wrong suspect. Too bad - I hope that when he meets this electronic lady she turns out to be funnier, smarter and more attractive than I am. Good luck to you, stranger.
So I arrived late, as I got caught up working on a wild boar mount that proved a little more difficult than planned (but isn't it awesome?), and as such missed Church of Gravitron. Having missed them and thus being again uninformed and out of the loop, I'm going to go ahead and say they were awesome. Fucking amazing. The best I've ever seen. I'm going to join that Church they were so damn good.
Following the best band I've ever not seen were ft(the Shadow Government). My friend who is cool, informed and in the loop educated me on this band by sharing that they all reside in different corners of the midwest (per the myspace, these corners would include Iowa City/Chicago/Minneapolis/Milwaukee), and that their practice time generally consists of the rare occasions on which they gather to perform. Accordingly, they were a little messy but hey I guess that comes with the territory and indeed when accompanied by that explanation they were an endearing and entertaining bunch. Good stuff, count me a newly informed and in the loop fan. It would be nice to see more of this band. They have five hundred members and a variety of percussive instruments. Seven singers and seventeen drummers and seven hundred guitar players and one bass. Good stuff!
Please google STNNNG.
That's funny.
Last night was the first time I've seen STNNNG sober. I am slowly accumulating more and more bands for my list of bands I've now seen for the first time sober. That would be because I do not have a boyfriend to drive my drunk ass around, just another of the numerous perks of being single. Gotta stay relatively sober so you can get your drunk ass home, and far less reason to get drunk because boyfriends are a drag. Almost as much of a drag as girlfriends, I reckon, though not quite. This feller (oh god I love that album and i LOVE polar bears) is just a little firecracker on stage, I tell you what. He makes the goshdarn show with all his prancing and grunting and whatnot. His little toy blowhorn didn't really work, though. Blowhorn problems are just as big of a drag as boyfriends but not quite as big of a drag as girlfriends. Seven hundred members of the other bands joined STNNNG on stage at the end of their set. It was a riot. Too bad that blowhorn didn't work. Blowhorns make for good riot control.
Last band to play was Sicbay. Twenty seconds of research on the myspace has told me that Sicbay was a band, then they weren't a band, but now they are a band again. This sort of thing is a big deal among fans, right, and there was a bit of that excitement in the air as they played. I could feel it. And I didn't even know. Sicbay had a nice set, and for a band that was a band then wasn't but now is again they were pretty tight, right? However, they only had three members to their band, and so it was a little anti-climactic after the previous two sets, with two thousand members each. You know.
During the Sicbay set I began to catch wind of some sort of joke about juggalo. Once again, I was the only one who did not know what was going on. A nice woman who is on the board (perhaps it is the mysterious electronic friend who I am not?) explained to me that it is something like this. Okay. I still don't get it. But I took a quiz, and I am not a TRUE Juggalo.
Are You a TRUE Juggalo Your Result: At least you tried.. Nope. Quit the mainstream. Stop being a pooch and don't be afraid of clowns. You need to have a few Faygos, get some CDs, and learn the Dark Carnival. But until then.. F.T.F.O.!!! | |
Juggahoe Alert!! Load your glocks!! | |
Almost.. but keep tryin'. | |
DowN wIT dA KloWn tiLL YoU dEAd iN Da GRoUnd! | |
Are You a TRUE Juggalo |
I am so confused.
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