Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jessica Simpson is lactose intolerant, totally cute and now, country.

This has nothing to do with local music but it has everything to do with taxidermy.

Please see:
Radio tries to hate Jessica Simpson country song, but fails

Note highlights:
God help me, I really like this song, and
Oh, my gosh, people want to hate me!

Now listen to the song:

And remember this debacle:

There. Now you're up to speed. K-102 is currently playing the hell out of Jessica Simpson's new country music crossover booty call, Come on Over after apparently an accidental, totally unintentional, TOTALLY not premeditated leak of the song precipitated its rise on the charts (coming out at #41 it was the highest debuting single by a solo artist ever on the Country Music Billboard Charts).

I like to maintain a positive attitude in this little virtual community because I think people should feel good about what they're doing, but I feel quite confident Jess will never read this li'l old blog and so I'm going to point out that this song sucks harder than the leeches that used to stick to my legs when I was a kid camping at Lake Louise in rural South Dakota.

However, I believe in Jessica Simpson. She's the real deal.

Listen to K-102's Monday morning interview with Jess.

And be won over as she speaks earnestly of the troops and shares endearing anecdotes such as:
I still eat it. I just got gas. I can't not eat che-eaze!

I am always so full of shit. But I mean that last part. She's such a sweetheart. Her sixth album Do You Know is set to be released September 9th. Because she is so very sweet I hope the rest of it sucks considerably less than this single.

Meantime, note that I haven't heard BOB 106 play this song even once. I am glad for options.


Stuffed Pheasant said...

But I thought this was supposed to inspire GOOD country?

Anonymous said...

the videos done broke.

Stuffed Pheasant said...

youtube is having issues. I think it needs to see a doctor.